ez knowledge childcare academy

Ready for Kindergarten and Beyond!

The EZKnowledge Child Care Academy provides an enriched, positive and exciting, learning environment filled with specific opportunities that empower each child towards the development of full potential. Program activities are offered with appropriate repetitiveness, positive excitement and child-based duration specific for each activity to foster the child’s optimum potential in learning and development. We are a trilingual childcare. We also have Ole Lukoie, a small puppet theatre, that we use to produce shows for children as a way to enrich their learning experience.
Welcome to EZK Childcare Academy in Newton, MA!


YOUR CHILDREN ARE SPECIAL and you want the best of everything for them – especially child care. You need someone who will provide the same kind of caring, nurturing attention you give them. For that kind of care, there is a special place nearby: EZKnowledge Child Care Academy.
We offer specialized learning programs for young children, from infancy through the early school years, in an environment designed with your children in mind. Our programs offer guidance in a setting that fosters emotional growth while providing the most well-rounded educational experience appropriate for children.
At The EZKnowledge Child Care Academy, children will encounter a balance of activities designed to help them achieve high goals for social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative development. Using EZKnowledge Creative Curriculum, our programs are carefully planned, continuously evaluated and updated, and enriched with the latest resources in early childhood education.
Differentiated Education Programs For Each Child


Each child attending The EZKnowledge Child Care Academy benefits from a specific developmental and educational program designed by the directors and coordinated and implemented by teachers. Through the individual assessment and curriculum/program design, one-to-one specific learning is facilitated through fun games and activities. Within a positive environment enriched with opportunities for learning and play, teachers facilitate each child’s individual program. The small class size and one-to-one attention foster learning through specific opportunities designed to fully develop a child’s potential.
Looking for a child care you can feel great about?
Join us for a free trial
Ages: 1.9-2.9 years
Morning Class: 9-12 p.m
Afternoon Class: 1-4 p.m
Ages: 4-4:11 years
Morning Class: 9-12 p.m Afternoon Class: 1-4 p.m (Mixed Seniors/Kindergarten)
Extended Day Program
Ages: 4 and older
Ages: 2,9-3,11 years
Morning Class: 9-12 p.m Afternoon Class: 1-4 p.m
Ages: 4:11-6 years
Morning Class: 9-12 p.m Afternoon Class: 1-4 pm (Mixed Seniors/Kindergarten)
Ready for Kindergarten and Beyond!
Children need early childhood curriculum that will enable them to grow and develop to their fullest potential. Each stage of their growth is important and unique. Providing them with acceptance, understanding, and care in a safe and nurturing environment are paramount
A total approach to learning is key. It begins with the five main areas of development:
EZKnowledge Child Care Academy raises the bar with custom lesson plans. Our advantage is both what we teach and how we teach. We accomplish this goal in surprising ways – from playground and mealtime to the simple act of selecting art materials.
Character Building
Pre-Kindergarten Program
Our Pre-K curriculum has over 100 different learning objectives. Here, your child will participate more in group learning and interact with other children in activities, projects and experiments. They will get the basics required to start reading – learning to identify each letter sound and how sounds and letters combine to form words. They will be exposed to beginning addition and subtraction and more acute observational and analytical skills. And, teachers will challenge your child to share their thoughts and ideas, to expand their oral vocabulary, imagination and creativity.
Infancy to Preschool Program
In our programs from infancy to preschool, teachers will work with your child on language and literacy skills such as learning to hold a pencil, beginning letter/sound recognition and identification, and recognizing his own name in print. They will help him grow a love for reading and books. Much time will be spent on counting, sorting and categorization. And, they will learn social skills, like how to cooperate and communicate with other children and teachers.
Trilingual program EZK P’tit Creff Club
EZK P'titCREF Club offers a one-of-a-kind approach to early childhood education. The trilingual education center offers children between the ages 21 month through Kindergarten Classes are conducted in three languages – English, French and Russian – by experienced native-speaking teachers.

EZK P'titCREF Club emphasizes the importance of immersing children into other languages at a young age to increase language comprehension and to set a solid foundation for a child's future success in today's interconnected world.

Learning at EZK P'titCREF Club occurs in a structured yet fun way, following a curriculum specifically developed by the center. Recognizing that each child is unique and learns in different ways, P'titCREF's curriculum integrates cognitive, physical and artistic activities to promote a faster grasp of the language.

Children at the center learn through games, songs, crafts and other interactive activities. The cozy atmosphere and personal care help nurture a family-like environment that makes the students feel at ease and more perceptive to absorbing new information.

Each class of no more than 10 students is taught by native-speaking teachers of English, French and Russian and aided by an assistant. These small class sizes allow teachers to focus on each child individually; activity reports are prepared daily by the staff, addressing the child's progress in the language, as well as how well the child ate, slept and played.
Saturday 9 a.m- 4 p.m
Sunday 9 a.m - 1 p.m
EZKnowlegde Child Care Academy is a year round school for children 10 month to 6 years old
Hours of operation: 8:00a.m.- 5:30p.m.
Children can be enrolled in 2-5 full day programs
EZKnowledge Academy provides 100 % Organic meals for kids: hot breakfast, hot lunch and snacks
General Info
EZknowledge Child Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, marital status, disability, national origin, or sexual orientation.
For admissions information or to schedule a free tour please use the contact form to email us or call 617-530-0100
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